Note on Tikz
- Opinionated “Good” Habit when using Tikz
- Create a “bezier curve”
- Define points on arbitrary curve
- Get x and y coordinate of arbitrary point
- Draw “tangent line” on curve
- Decoration: brace
- Intersection between two curves
- Change the font size of all node/label
- Calculation points
Opinionated “Good” Habit when using Tikz
We can separate the definition of the desired point from the label of the point, e.g.:
\node[draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (x00) at ( $ (0, 0)$ ) {}; \node[below] at (x00) {$x_{00}(a_1, a_2)$};
- Reason: I can have full control on the decoration of the node on
(0, 0)
and where I should put the label on. One can also use\coordinate
to define points, i.e.,
\coordinate[draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (x00) at ( $ (0, 0)$ ); \node[below] at (x00) {$x_{00}(a_1, a_2)$};
It seems that
cannot have labels, so there’s no need to include empty{}
at the end of the\node
.- Reason: I can have full control on the decoration of the node on
Define points first and give every point a reasonable name.
- Reason: You can directly use those named points to create paths.
Create a “bezier curve"
\draw (0, 0) to[bend right=40] (5, 5);
Can bend right
or bend left
, depends on from (0, 0)
to (5, 5)
or the other direction.
bend right=40
means the degree of bending.
Define points on arbitrary curve
Here I use “bezier curve” as example.
\draw (0, 0) to[bend right=40]
node[pos=0.2,draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (a) {}
(5, 5);
The pos
option in node
defines what fraction of this curve should I put a point on it.
This node
is defined as a
Get x and y coordinate of arbitrary point
Let the arbitrary be a
\path (a); \pgfgetlastxy{\xcoord}{\ycoord};
\coordinate (a_x) at (\xcoord, 0);
\coordinate (a_y) at (0, \ycoord);
First, let the path
be on the point a
so that pgf
can remember it.
Second, \pgfgetlastxy
outputs the x-coordinate \xcoord
and y-coordinate \ycoord
of the last path, which we define as point a
Finally, we can define the a_x
and a_y
points for the corresponding coordinate points.
Draw “tangent line” on curve
Here I use “bezier curve” as example.
\draw (0, 0) to[bend right=40]
node[pos=0.5,draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (a) {}
node[pos=0.51] (b) {}
(5, 5);
\draw[shorten >=-1cm, shorten <=-1cm, thick, red] (a) -- (b);
Instead of do the tangent line in a delicated way, I found out that just define two close point (a
and b
) and connect them together.
Notice that I didn’t draw the inner point at point b
When connecting two points, use negative number in shorten
to actually extend the line out.
Decoration: brace
Need to add \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing}
in preamble.
%%% brace on up/right
\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=4pt},xshift=0pt,yshift=3pt]
(a) -- (b) node [black,midway,yshift=.3cm] {\footnotesize $foo$};
%%% brace on down/left (mirror)
\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=4pt, mirror},xshift=0pt,yshift=3pt]
(a) -- (b) node [black,midway,yshift=.3cm] {\footnotesize $foo$};
Need to modify xshift
and yshift
to micro-adjust the brace display.
Intersection between two curves
Need to add \usetikzlibrary{intersections}
in preamble.
\documentclass[tikz, margin = 1mm]{standalone}
\draw[name path=a] (0, 0) to[bend right = 40] (2, 0);
\draw[name path=b] (0, -.5) to[bend left = 40] (2, -.5);
\path[name intersections={of=a and b, by=e}];
\node[draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] at (e) {};
- Need to add
name path=name
as argument to call this path. - Use
to define thename intersections
is to define the intersections between two paths, andby
defines the name of the intersection. - Use
to draw the point ascircle
. Can be other type.
Change the font size of all node/label
Simply use \tikzstyle
is suffice:
\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\scriptsize]
Calculation points
Need to add \usetikzlibrary{calc}
The syntax of calc
library is
\documentclass[tikz, margin = 1mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{calc, intersections}
% The following figure shows how the golden section search separate the 2-D space.
\draw[-] (0, 0) -- (\x, 0) -- (\x, \y) -- (0, \y) -- (0, 0);
% define (a, b) points in both dimension
\coordinate[draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (x00) at ( $ (0, 0)$ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (x01) at ( $ (\x, 0) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (x10) at ( $ (0, \y)$ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=red,circle,inner sep=1pt] (x11) at ( $ (\x, \y) $ );
% use calc library to calculate the coordinate of the (c, d) points in both dimension
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](c1) at ( $ (x00)!1-\tau!(x01) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](c1mirror) at ( $ (x10)!1-\tau!(x11) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](d1) at ( $ (x00)!\tau!(x01) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](d1mirror) at ( $ (x10)!\tau!(x11) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](c2) at ( $ (x00)!1-\tau!(x10) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](c2mirror) at ( $ (x01)!1-\tau!(x11) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](d2) at ( $ (x00)!\tau!(x10) $ );
\coordinate[draw,fill=blue,circle,inner sep=1pt](d2mirror) at ( $ (x01)!\tau!(x11) $ );
% draw dashed line to connect coordinates
\draw[dashed, name path = dashc1] (c1) -- (c1mirror);
\draw[dashed, name path = dashd1] (d1) -- (d1mirror);
\draw[dashed, name path = dashc2] (c2) -- (c2mirror);
\draw[dashed, name path = dashd2] (d2) -- (d2mirror);
% define the interior (c, d) points using coordinates
\path[name intersections={of=dashc1 and dashc2, by=y00}];
\node[draw,fill=orange,circle,inner sep=1pt] at (y00) {};
\path[name intersections={of=dashc1 and dashd2, by=y10}];
\node[draw,fill=orange,circle,inner sep=1pt] at (y10) {};
\path[name intersections={of=dashd1 and dashc2, by=y01}];
\node[draw,fill=orange,circle,inner sep=1pt] at (y01) {};
\path[name intersections={of=dashd1 and dashd2, by=y11}];
\node[draw,fill=orange,circle,inner sep=1pt] at (y11) {};
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